It is definitely difficult for me to keep up on my blog. I don't know how Jenny does it. She is a full time mom and still does it so well.
As for me lately, I am doing pretty well. I had some trials at the start of this school year that were unexpected, but they are all working themselves out. I am lucky to have the perspective that life is supposed to be happy, but it is our choice to make it that way. So, although I had those unexpected trials, I am still kicking and really quite happy.
I do have a question though, what do you do with a person in your life that makes life more difficult. Do you take them out of your life or deal with it. I naturally would run! I would run as fast as I could, but then...where is the growth? Is it a good enough reason to keep someone in your life for the pure reason of growth, or is that cruel and unusual punishment? What do you think? I realize I am rambling, but I am quite curious of what you would do.
someone sucky in your life? not me...especially since i haven't talked to you in AGES!! i would address the situation. if it's a person tied to you by blood or marriage, there's not much you can do. talk to the person and get over it. if it's someone else, address it bluntly. things should change or they shouldn't be in your life...oh yeah, and call me sometime, would ya?!
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