Thursday, April 19, 2007

I am turning 25!

My year in review using pictures!
I have always thought that birthdays are an exciting time in a person's life and I think I still do but not so much in mine. I love to help celebrate my friends and family's birthdays, but when it comes to my own I think it is silly to make a big deal about it.

On the other hand, I realize this week that I am not old or young. I mean my Nanna that is in her 70's would definitely say that I am young, but my niece McKenna would say that I was old. She actually called me an adult while I was playing with her one day. She was the first person to ever say that to me. It took me a little off guard. I have never considered myself an adult. Really I have only been me. I don't' know what qualifies a person as an adult, but I don't think I meet those qualifications. I am turning 25 years old. That is a quarter of a century old... may even a 1/3 of my life has been lived, but does that make me an adult. I don't think so! I think adulthood is experience. I don't have enough experiences to fall back on to regard myself as more than a person between childhood and adulthood. I have much more to do and a whole lot more to learn before I can be put in the same category as all of the adults that I know.

All I know is that I am excited to be turning 25. I am excited because although I lack in experience, between last year and the coming year I have and will gain experience (not much, but a little). Last year I was able to learn a lot about myself and love myself. To be honest I think I have potential to be pretty great! I love my life. I love my job. I love where I live. I love my family (wish I could see all of them more frequently). I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father. I believe that I am one of the most blessed people in the entire world. No joke! In this coming year I hope to gain more experiences through travel, fun, study and what ever else comes my way. Life can be a pretty amazing thing if that is what you are after!

House Visit

Last night I was laying in bed (you know around 9:00 PM) and my phone rings. It is none other than ... the BISHOP. He asked if I was busy. Explained that he and his counselors were making visits and asked they could come by. I am not one to say no to the bishop (I also figured he was not outside my door) so I said sure. I hopped out of bed and 2 seconds later my door bell rang. I looked like trash, but let's be honest I really don't worry about what I look like. I ran down and opened the door and 4 men in suits came walking in. Their nice church suits compared to my disgusting sweats did make me feel a bit uncomfortable.... life goes on though.

They came in and we were talking. I thought it was random that they were even there, but ok! Finally the bishop got the point... a calling. I of course am clueless and that is typically why a bishop will visit you. The calling was no big deal, and actually I kind of wanted a new one. On the other hand, I might have to got to ward activities. I guess I will have to make some sacrifices for this one!

Then of course they left.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Trip to Missouri

Not only did Jenny convince me to start blogging in Missouri, I also got to see my Matt, Jenny and the kids! They are adorable and I loved it. Mostly we just played, but at the end we all went to Nauvoo. It was my first time and it was definitely a lot more fun with kids. I am so grateful to have them in my family! Honestly, Matt and Jen have some amazing daughters who I can't get enough of. Plus when you add Emma Cooper and Meg, that is just asking for a good time.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Jenny's done it again!

The influence of Jenny Dahl. Yes she has convinced me as well. But, I guess it is a good way to stay connected with my family...seeing as I don't use the phone much! We will see how it goes.