Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Back!

So I got back from Taiwan Monday night after 17 hours of travel. It was a long Monday. But now that I am back I am completely back(I miss Taiwan, but I can't think about that now). I have a triathlon this Saturday that I have not trained for at all. So I have some work to do this week. I've been swimming twice and I need to run and bike. I haven't been on a bike in over a month, so when 25 miles comes Saturday I think I might die. No, seriously I might die...I'll keep my cell phone with me just in case! The run will be hard too, but I did run while I was in Taiwan, so hopefully that won't be quite as difficult. We'll see.

I have also been to work already. Yesterday I had to sign my contract, sign up for insurance and meet with my principal. I start work on Monday and I have nothing ready. I will be doing a summer school with the 2nd grade Chinese dual Immersion at my school. I am pretty excited, but I don't think I am ready. The Chinese is there, but teaching 7 year olds in Chinese and dealing with their lack of understanding. I wonder how many will be crying? I'll keep a count!
The following week I will being doing the same thing with the 1st graders (the ones that will actually be in my class this year). I know they will be having a hard time because they haven't had any exposure to Chinese. I will be praying for patience.

Then I have a week to prepare for the rest of the year. Life is crazy...busy and I love it. I have learned that all I need to do is hit the ground running and never stop.

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